What is it like to be an Intern?


I am Ella Weiner, an intern at the Robofun summer camp! I am also Laura Hart's assistant, and she asked me to write about my experience working with the amazing kids and staff at Robofun. I am 17 and a rising senior at Millennium High School. When I was younger, I attended Robofun summer camp for multiple years. I loved it, obviously, and wanted to come back and help as an intern!

For most of my days at summer camp, I'm a TA in classes or I help organize legos for onsite and offsite programs. Although my job is primarily to help with the more tedious organizational details that help Robofun function smoothly, I really love hanging out with the kids and learning with them! Last week, I was helping Justyn teach two kids Python. I had no idea how to code in Python, but as the day went on and with Justyn's kindness as well as the kids' willingness to help me help them, I had learned the basics of Python. It felt so good to learn and help others learn at the same time. I hope to remember that feeling when I am feeling frustrated in my high school classes and beyond.

Lego organizing can also be fun! I am definitely someone who finds peace and comfort in sorting and organizing. To not distract the kids, I will go into the back office and help organize the sets of legos that kids will build from, either at the summer camp or in schools. It's cool to know that even if my job feels small, the amazing creations that your children are making couldn't be complete without even the smallest pieces.

I am very grateful for the opportunity. I think a high school student's first job is something they will never forget, and I'm so happy to be able to say that mine was at Robofun!


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