What does your child love?

robofun what does your child love

If you're still looking for summer camp options, we're running classes until September 3rd. Consider a week of robotics, Minecraft, animation, or coding activities for your child. Call (212 245-0444) or register here!

I believe the universe can give us children who force us to reexamine our priorities or provide us with a child who has vastly different interests than our own. How do you manage this? I believe it is a give-and-take process. Do you have a child who loves fashion and you've never been interested in fashion? A few tips.

  1. Often one passion leads to another. An interest in clothes might also include an interest in acting or history. By supporting one, you may find you're able to subtly add some other things that might be of interest to you both. Acting classes? Going to plays together? A visit to a fashion museum?

  2. Exposing our kids to lots of different things helps them to find what they like. This doesn't mean curtailing what you like. If you love going to museums, take them sometimes. Try to find performances that they'd like. Often preparation in advance of a trip can help them connect to what you're going to see. A movie or a book about the artist you might see may help them be more involved.

  3. Make compromises. Some days you'll be involved in activities they love, and let their joy of it be your reward. Some days you'll bring them with you to the things you love.

  4. Talk about it! Discuss the compromises. Add food to things they don't love. "We're going to see a show at the Met today, but after, we'll go to your favorite bakery for a treat"


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