Understanding more about Minecraft!

What happens in a Minecraft & Circuitry Class, and what exactly is your child learning? In our Minecraft Classes, we begin with the basics including movement, block placement, and mechanical parts. Then we move into architecture, design, and inventing machines. Do you want to build an elevator that responds to motion sensors? Do you want to create train tracks or a roller coaster that can bring your character to a specific place with the touch of a button? We use Minecraft to teach students about engineering, coordinates in 3 vectors (x, y, and z), what energy is and how it's currently generated (fossil fuels or renewables). The classroom is a hum of excitement and activity. Kids are sharing what they are creating and providing feedback to each other to improve their creations. It is an exciting and fast-paced class. Often our problem is getting students to stop working on their projects at the end of class!

To register call (212 245-0444) or browse our website for offerings.


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