Roblox, Minecraft, Coding & Game Design

Image ©2021 Roblox Corporation

Image ©2021 Roblox Corporation

This Thursday, June 3rd is an in-person vacation day at Robofun. We've got few openings. In the morning, Roblox & Computer Skills. In the afternoon, Minecraft or Coding & Game Design. Sign-up here or call us at (212) 245-0444.

What are students doing in Roblox and is there any educational value? The answer is, yes, however it depends upon how they are using it. Here are three aspects and their educational benefits.

  1. Your child will design and expand their own game. This helps them think about a few things. What makes a game successful? What makes a game less interesting? How do I figure out how to add interesting details and complexity?

  2. Your child can design and work with others. Communication, teamwork and collaboration are key skills we all need - and that students use to support each other in their projects.

  3. Your child will raise their tolerance for "mistakes." When coding or designing, they one rarely gets the result you want the first or second time. Learning how to manage disappointment, learning to be flexible, and learning how to find new solutions are really important life skills that they can begin to learn in this class and other classes we offer.

We have created a curriculum that helps kids learn more about basic computer use through playing Roblox. Frequently, we make assumptions about what kids know that they've actually never been shown. Our class teaches keyboard shortcuts and navigating computer basics through Roblox. For your child, this is a bit like a spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down, yet the medicine is interesting and helps them learn.


Bakhtiar Mikhak (Harvard) on Hart to Heart


Summer Camp: Register for Online or In-Person