Summer Camp: Register for Online or In-Person

Summer is almost upon us! Do you have your child's schedule set?

If you are interested in an in-person camp, our capacity is more limited because of social distancing. To ensure a spot, we recommend that you sign-up soon!

I am fielding a lot of questions about camp. Are we ready (YES)! Are we masking (YES)! Will we continue online camps (YES)! We're ready, we're excited, and we've got 11 weeks of camps between June 21st and ending the week of August 30th.

Our camps give your child confidence, friendships, and a chance to thrive. If you would like a chance to try it out, join us for our two vacation days coming up on June 3rd and June 8th. Call us at 212 245-0444 for more information or to register.

Marianne R. Petit is an artist and educator whose work explores fairy tales, anatomical obsessions, graphic and narrative medicine, as well as collective storytelling practices through mechanical books that combine animation and papercraft. She is an Associate Arts Professor at New York University’s ITP located in the Tisch School of the Arts, was a co-founder and founding Director of the Interactive Media Arts Program at NYU Shanghai. She currently serves as an Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Network Academic Planning for the University. Petit received the University's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2016.

Marianne will share some of her work with us and we'll discuss the impact learning from home is having on students. We'll learn about how Marianne's teaching has changed via zoom and how students' learning has changed. We'll discuss the emotional and psychological fragility we see and what educators and parents do to help our students manage and care of their mental and emotional health.


Roblox, Minecraft, Coding & Game Design


Register Now for Roblox Camps on 6/3 & 6/8!