How Does Your Child Learn Best? 6 Different Ways!

How Does Your Child Absorb Information? Watching, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Moving, Teaching!

Often I think about how we best absorb information. As your child grows, you'll notice that they may be much better at reading instructions than listening to them. As you figure out their natural mode of receiving information, you'll be able to better support your child's growth. Look at the list below and think about yourself and your child. How do you best absorb information? How about your child? To not ignore the obvious, we usually use more than one method.

Watching and Listening: Infants and small children learn to speak, walk, and connect with us by watching. Becoming good at watching your own child will help you decipher how they learn. 

Reading: Are you a reader? Do you prefer to put together an Ikea project by reading the directions or by finding a video? What about your child?

Speaking: I often solve a problem just by describing it to someone else. Through talking, my mind reviews the problem, and often a solution arises!

Writing, Drawing, Making! This mode helps move information from short-term memory into long-term memory. Thus "taking notes" helps solidify what you're learning. Building a robot or coding a video game helps concretize what you've learned.

Moving around! All that time in the playground, or performing in a play, or playacting with toys is about learning! Take some time to listen to your child's discussion with their toys. You'll learn what they're thinking about. 

Teaching To teach something, you've had to internalize it. You have to figure out what (or how) to explain to the learner and go slowly to make sure they understand. It combines all of the above!

At Robofun, we recognize and support all kinds of learning. We're gearing up for summer! Stop by the studio if you'd like to see us in action. Some children need lots of prep before new experiences! If you are considering a few weeks of summer camp with us, stop by with your child! You can try out an afterschool class to get more comfortable at Robofun.


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