Register Now for June Vacation Day Camps!

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Vacation Days, Summer Camp Open House NYU's Showcase

June 3rd and June 10th are school holidays! We have great STEAM options both in-person and online. This is a great way to have your child test drive Robofun and see if they'd like to attend our summer camp. Sign up here or call us at (212) 245-0444. To learn more about summer camp, please watch our virtual open house. We go over our in-person and online summer camp schedules, learning philosophy, and what you can expect from a week at Robofun this summer.

One additional free event to mention is NYU's ITP/IMA's end of the semester online showcase occurring May 17th and 18th. ITP is New York University's Graduate Interactive Telecommunication Program and IMA is their undergraduate Interactive Media Arts Program. Their tag line is "A Festival of the Recently Possible." If either you or your children liked the Maker Faire, you'll like this!


Our Summer Camps are Only One Week Long!


Free Online Events!