Our Summer Camps are Only One Week Long!

stephen edwards on hart to heart with laura hart

If you are interested in in-person classes, keep in mind that our capacity is more limited because of social distancing. To ensure a spot, we recommend that you sign-up soon!

One of the tricky parts of organizing summer camp is that your family may have a lot of activities going on, visiting grandparents, overnight camp, or special trips to name a few.

This is where we can help you! Our camps are scheduled for one week at a time. Each week has a different theme and project. Our class sizes are also very small, which allows us to customize our curriculum to meet your child's needs.

Have questions about our online and in-person summer camp? You can check out our virtual open house. We discuss our new Python offering, and our robotics, Minecraft, and coding classes. We go over our weekly project themes and our daily costume themes. Costumes are not required, but they do add to the fun spirit of summer camp! Your child will have gained confidence in learning, and create two or three projects during the week. One of our biggest problems at the end of the day is getting our students to stop working! They love what they create!

As you might surmise from the picture above, Dr. Edwards is not our image of a dry, serious Computer Science professor! Dr. Edwards is a playful and thoughtful Computer Scientist who loves to teach, build, and think about learning. In our conversation, we'll be touching upon the following topics, A.I. Education, introductory computer languages (Scratch and Python), and the huge craze for physical computing with microcontrollers (Arduino). We'll also touch upon the changes we may see as schools reopen. Join us! We love questions and comments.


Register Now for Roblox Camps on 6/3 & 6/8!


Register Now for June Vacation Day Camps!