Learning, New Friends, and Having Fun!

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Do you ever wonder what happens once you drop off your child for summer camp?

To begin, each student is directed to their classroom for a class meeting. Usually, we start with the question of the day. A typical question might be, "If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?" We start with a question of the day to get to know each other a bit. Next, we have a mini-lesson, or we dive right into working on a project in either coding, robotics, or Minecraft. After a snack (halfway through the class), your child keeps working on their project with mini-lessons and class demonstrations sprinkled in at opportune moments.

By the end of the week, your child will have completed two to three STEAM projects. Friday is a celebration day! Every child has an opportunity to present their work, discuss their challenges, and their successes. Often there may be both a real sense of accomplishment and a bit of sadness that the week is over. Ask your child what stands out to them. What did they like about camp?

To register for any of our classes this summer, call (212) 245-0444 or register here! We still have room in a couple of classes!

One advantage of this time period is that our classes are smaller! This allows for more individualized learning! We feel incredibly grateful for our Robofun families. Thank you for entrusting your child with us! We can't wait to start another week of camp.


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