Hart to Heart with Dr. Elizabeth Cavicchi

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On July 15th, at 12:30 pm, please join me for my Hart to Heart with my former teacher, Dr. Elizabeth Cavicchi. She is an MIT-trained physicist and student of Philip Morrison. Fascinated by observing nature and making art since her youth, Elizabeth Cavicchi encourages learning and teaching in exploratory ways. The unexpectedness of what comes up while exploring, helps us become vulnerable with each other. While at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Elizabeth and I learned about the importance of trust-building when experimenting with batteries, bulbs, and wires together.

Elizabeth develops explorations at MIT’s Edgerton Center. She teaches the seminar, “Recreate Historical Experiments: Inform the Future with the Past”. The course is an expression of “critical exploration in the classroom”, the research pedagogy of her Harvard adviser Eleanor Duckworth, based on the works of Jean Piaget and Bärbel Inhedler. A visual artist and tandem bicyclist, Dr. Cavicchi has written and presented internationally, including narratives from her teaching. What intrigues your child? How might your child act on their curiosity to discover, create, and share?


Learning, New Friends, and Having Fun!


Do you have a plan for your kids for next week? We do!