Daylight Savings & Vacation Day Camp on 11/11

Register for Vacation Day Camp on 11/11!

Today marks the daylight savings change. It's going to start staying darker for longer in the mornings as we prepare for work, and it might very well be dark again when we're leaving work.

So how can we prepare ourselves against these winter blues? By creating healthy habits!

For our team book club, we're currently reading "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It focuses on tiny habit changes that bring remarkable results. Currently, we're learning about how our environments are half the battle towards motivation.

Here are a few environment-based habits that we're thinking might brighten our blues this winter:

  • Creating a relaxation nook. Alone time for our personal interest(s) is a must. Try repurposing the different spaces at home as the designated locations for your personal relaxation. Turning the kitchen into a morning yoga studio, or the dining room into your evening reading nook could be a great way to re-purpose the feeling of home and rewire the brain to engage with these interests, more often.

  • Creating a set schedule for family time, together. Schedule dinners every Wednesday, or Sunday Fundays to keep us engaged could be a great way to change the environment of family bonding and can be an anchor that helps us balance our hectic, ever-changing schedule, elsewhere.

  • Setting clear boundaries. Give your kids an earlier bedtime, or let your work know that you will be taking your mid-day walk breaks seriously, for your mental health. Prioritize yourself, first!

  • Snack time! (May we suggest tea and honey!). Making sure we keep healthy snacks, as opposed to all that leftover Halloween candy, in the house for those stress-eating periods could be a great way to help us feel better nourished, overall. Cindy, our Junior Program Manager, suggests that warm tea at night might very well warm up our blues. Sweetening that tea with honey is also good for coating our throats against the harsh winter air.

We hope you read something here that may help you! These are just suggestions, some of the many variations that could make a huge difference in our mental health this winter. We can, collectively, kick the winter blues!

And of course, we'll be here at Robofun with glowing smiles and eager learners to help ease some of those blues away. We're offering a vacation day camp this Thursday, November 11th! There are a couple of spots still open! Our class schedule by grade can be found here. You can register online or call Noah at (212) 245-0444!

If you missed my Hart to Heart his past Thursday, make sure to check it out on Facebook or YouTube!

Dr. Fred Martin is one of the most thoughtful Computer Scientists I know. We discuss the fundamentals of AI. For those sci-fi fans, we examine the assumption about robots becoming self-aware. We touch upon automated decision-making and how our objective reality on a daily basis is being shaped by machines!

Have a beautiful and restful Sunday!


Tomorrow is Veteran's Day


Still Time to Join Afterschool Classes at Robofun!