Welcome, December!

Welcome to the Winter Wonderland! We're now in the mid-holiday season, still feasting on leftovers, or basking in the presents from Hanukkah so far - excited about what's to come. Christmas is in 3 weeks, and New Year is just a little under a month away! We hope some of you have begun basking in the holiday joy, hanging up the stockings, and preparing to leave cookies out for Santa!

The Robofun team has been feeling the cheer. This past week, we began our office festivities by coming together to decorate the Robofun office into a wonderland of our own!

The team says Hi! Sending well wishes to all of you and your families!

Happy holidays!

To see the Robofun office in live-action, stop by for one of our classes! The winter schedule is up and goes through March 2022! Head over to the Robofun website to take a look! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Noah Diamond any time at noah@robofun.org or by giving us a call at (212) 245-0444!

Watch the REPLAY on YouTube.

Join us this Thursday to learn about Field Day Lab, an educational video-game lab centered out of the Education Research Center at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Learn about educational games that are reshaping our future, and the differences between these and esports, commercial games, and gamification. We're excited for our talk with David Gagnon on December 9th, at 12:30 PM!

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Lessons in Learning and Winter Vacation Camp!


Robofun's Winter Schedule is Up Now!